khar: redesign[ID]
design of industrial & product remaking
date of launch - 1h 2023
why industrial design
- in collaboration with a concept development provider, erpduo finally steps into offering industrial design from 1h 2023.
- we are looking for partnership with product designers.
- industry designers are welcome to take contact.
- joint investment projects (JIP)
- EV's
- windtech
- seatech
- airborn
- batterytech
- efficient construction
- energy efficient equipment
- hvac product solutions
- new powertrain systems
- rapid train concepts
- tunnel/bridge concepts
- long distance barriers
- smartdrilling trajectory solutions 10km
- autovessels
- intercity rails
- lidar/radar solutions
we know that you are also very excited.
you can contact us today at: [email protected]
or [email protected]
you can contact us today at: [email protected]
or [email protected]
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june 2022
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Images and Technical Features by Providers
Experimental features are not part of the officIally delivered scope that ERPDUO guarantees for future releases.
This means that experimental features may be changed by providers at any time for any reason without notice.
Videos and demos may not be reused or be an exact product, but is meant to examine, evaluate or otherwise use the experimental features in a live operating environment or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.
ERPDUO has limited partnerships to companies and usually not full ownership to give information about prices, releases and products that is produced by SAP or Microsoft.
ERPDUO cannot give feedback or product support on elder versions. By providing your feedback, you accept that intellectual property rights of the contributions or derivative works shall remain the exclusive property of SAP/Microsoft or ERPDUO.
Data is often not for productive use. ERPDUO is not responsible for features not working in releases by product owners (MS, SAP etc).
Data, systems and solutions may for whatever reason (backup, updates, upgrades) be in a state of upgrades or malfunction, and ERPDUO cannot warrant the correctness and completeness of such changes or failures. ERPDUO shall not be liable for errors or damages.
ERPDUO is not responsible to take care of all country specific details in a business systems or solutions apart from the agreed product. That must be agreed upon in addition in a support, hosted management or into any other consulting/advisory billing.
june 2022