sales intelligence
update: 2022
erpduo is offering sales & customer support after 7 years of active, passive & proactive client work. here is what we can do for you.
2. product experience management (cxm)
to actually build up competence in a product, portfolio or set of technologies, features and solutions takes from 40 hours to 400 hours, or from 100 to 1000 hours with upgrades, updates and new versions.
erpduo is offering sales & customer support after 7 years of active, passive & proactive client work. here is what we can do for you.
- sales experience
- sales is an experience we do in a travel with partners, clients & users.
- sales first hand calls, email marketing, sales execution.
- sales marketing, product marketing, product follow-up, web ordering/decision making.
- product marketing, product expertise, product management, technical documentation, customization.
- eDirect mailing, script writing, branding text, content building, cms, templates.
- hour price from only stunning €80.
2. product experience management (cxm)
to actually build up competence in a product, portfolio or set of technologies, features and solutions takes from 40 hours to 400 hours, or from 100 to 1000 hours with upgrades, updates and new versions.
- our experience management can save you hours of daily, weekly, evenings & weekends from endless learning.
- microsoft, SAP, oracle and which other solutions/services do you want us to take about?
- learning is probably very expensive as you have to teach dozens of consultants after graduation.
- study programs cost up to €10000 per employee or student. can you afford it?
- hydrogen, co2/CCSU, rigs, ships, software, dc, windtech, solar needs research & INNOVATION (R&I)
- if you want to extend your business, split-up, spin-off, merger, jv & jip - but just needs the right staff?
- hour prices from only €79-89.
marketing center
- many out there thinks that handling marketing is something for dedicated sales folks or girls.
videotube channels over the web 3.0 - is the most advanced, yet, fastest way of communication for your
company or portfolio.
- webinars
- web expos
- youtube branding
- youtube channels
- online ads
- online presence
- online communication
- Autonomous decentralized office mobility
- offline mobility
- global presence
- local production
current activity in the
current activity in the
- emea
- europe
- eu
- nordics
- scandinavia
- uk
welcome to qtech
cxm list

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● ERPDUO does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor doesn’t warrant the availability and correctness.
ERPDUO shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of such content unless damages have been caused by ERPDUO’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
● Links :You are leaving the documentation for that particular ERPDUO product or service and are entering a hosted Web site.
By using such links, you agree that you may not infer any product claims against ERPDUO based on this information.
Images and Technical Features by Providers
Experimental features are not part of the officIally delivered scope that ERPDUO guarantees for future releases.
This means that experimental features may be changed by providers at any time for any reason without notice.
Videos and demos may not be reused or be an exact product, but is meant to examine, evaluate or otherwise use the experimental features in a live operating environment or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.
ERPDUO has limited partnerships to companies and usually not full ownership to give information about prices, releases and products that is produced by SAP or Microsoft.
ERPDUO cannot give feedback or product support on elder versions. By providing your feedback, you accept that intellectual property rights of the contributions or derivative works shall remain the exclusive property of SAP/Microsoft or ERPDUO.
Data is often not for productive use. ERPDUO is not responsible for features not working in releases by product owners (MS, SAP etc).
Data, systems and solutions may for whatever reason (backup, updates, upgrades) be in a state of upgrades or malfunction, and ERPDUO cannot warrant the correctness and completeness of such changes or failures. ERPDUO shall not be liable for errors or damages.
ERPDUO is not responsible to take care of all country specific details in a business systems or solutions apart from the agreed product. That must be agreed upon in addition in a support, hosted management or into any other consulting/advisory billing.
june 2022
These links provide additional information. You are entering a Web site that is not hosted by ERPDUO.
By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated) to this:
● The content of the linked-to site is not ERPDUO documentation. You may not infer any product claims against ERPDUO based on this information.
● ERPDUO does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor doesn’t warrant the availability and correctness.
ERPDUO shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of such content unless damages have been caused by ERPDUO’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
● Links :You are leaving the documentation for that particular ERPDUO product or service and are entering a hosted Web site.
By using such links, you agree that you may not infer any product claims against ERPDUO based on this information.
Images and Technical Features by Providers
Experimental features are not part of the officIally delivered scope that ERPDUO guarantees for future releases.
This means that experimental features may be changed by providers at any time for any reason without notice.
Videos and demos may not be reused or be an exact product, but is meant to examine, evaluate or otherwise use the experimental features in a live operating environment or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.
ERPDUO has limited partnerships to companies and usually not full ownership to give information about prices, releases and products that is produced by SAP or Microsoft.
ERPDUO cannot give feedback or product support on elder versions. By providing your feedback, you accept that intellectual property rights of the contributions or derivative works shall remain the exclusive property of SAP/Microsoft or ERPDUO.
Data is often not for productive use. ERPDUO is not responsible for features not working in releases by product owners (MS, SAP etc).
Data, systems and solutions may for whatever reason (backup, updates, upgrades) be in a state of upgrades or malfunction, and ERPDUO cannot warrant the correctness and completeness of such changes or failures. ERPDUO shall not be liable for errors or damages.
ERPDUO is not responsible to take care of all country specific details in a business systems or solutions apart from the agreed product. That must be agreed upon in addition in a support, hosted management or into any other consulting/advisory billing.
june 2022